On the 4th and 5th of May 2011 we met for the second time for a 2 day face to face workshop.
We were again hosted in the beautiful School of Public Health building at UWC.

The first day was spent summarising the various bits and pieces of the literature review on Emerging Technologies in Higher Education. Most of us were responsible for specific areas of the literature review and presented on our findings. It was decided to extend the deadline for the final draft of the literature review to end of May. By then all the groups will have a well written piece including a short introduction into the individual parts of the review.

This is a wordle graphic summarising the part of the Literature Review on international reports on emerging technologies in Higher Education. The focus on social, mobile learning with digital technologies is quite interesting.
We also worked on the survey on the current use of emerging technologies in Higher Education. After long discussion, we decided to chuck the first draft of the questionnaire and start from fresh. Focusing on innovative practices using technologies and limiting questions to the absolute minimum. Going for quality as opposed to quantity. We also spoke about distribution channels and sampling strategies. Furthermore we discussed possibilities of presenting at conferences, such as HELTASA, and issues around budgeting.
The next face to face meeting will only take place in November at the HELTASA conference, however we set up monthly elluminate online meetings to keep in touch. These will alternate between morning and afternoon sessions to ensure that all members of the group will have the chance to be part of these meetings.
Video: feedback by participants on second face to face workshop
We were again hosted in the beautiful School of Public Health building at UWC.
The first day was spent summarising the various bits and pieces of the literature review on Emerging Technologies in Higher Education. Most of us were responsible for specific areas of the literature review and presented on our findings. It was decided to extend the deadline for the final draft of the literature review to end of May. By then all the groups will have a well written piece including a short introduction into the individual parts of the review.
This is a wordle graphic summarising the part of the Literature Review on international reports on emerging technologies in Higher Education. The focus on social, mobile learning with digital technologies is quite interesting.
We also worked on the survey on the current use of emerging technologies in Higher Education. After long discussion, we decided to chuck the first draft of the questionnaire and start from fresh. Focusing on innovative practices using technologies and limiting questions to the absolute minimum. Going for quality as opposed to quantity. We also spoke about distribution channels and sampling strategies. Furthermore we discussed possibilities of presenting at conferences, such as HELTASA, and issues around budgeting.
The next face to face meeting will only take place in November at the HELTASA conference, however we set up monthly elluminate online meetings to keep in touch. These will alternate between morning and afternoon sessions to ensure that all members of the group will have the chance to be part of these meetings.
Video: feedback by participants on second face to face workshop